5 Steps for Crushing Your 2023 Goals

How often do you start a new year with a bunch of resolutions that you never see through? Many times in my own life I have set out to read more, eat healthier, or save more money, but by the end of the year these resolutions are abandoned. If this also sounds like you, you may be wondering how to set goals for 2023 and actually follow through. Today, I will be sharing 5 steps that will help you plan for and achieve your new year’s goals.

  1. Use the SMART Goals outline.

    The first step is to decide what goals you will be working on. While you may have some vague ideas in mind (e.g., exercise more, quit smoking, or learn a new hobby), it will be more effective if you set SMART goals. SMART is an acronym that outlines the different aspects of good goal-setting.

    • Specific – Goals should be clear and specific, otherwise you won’t know what you are trying to achieve. Instead of saying “I want to eat healthier,” you can say “I want to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet.”

    • Measurable – Goals should include a piece that can be tracked and measured. If you want to eat more fruits and vegetables, how will you know at the end of the year if that happened? Try to include numbers, dates, or other measurements to better track your progress. For example, “I will cook 5 meals a week with vegetables in them.”

    • Achievable – Goals should be achievable. If your goal is too difficult, you will likely feel discouraged and want to give up. For example, setting a goal to eat vegetables with every meal may be too ambitious if you are not used to cooking and eating vegetables at all. If you set out to accomplish a goal that you later find to be too much, feel free to come back to this step and make the goal more reasonable for you.

    • Relevant – Your goals should be relevant to your life, helping you move in a direction that you want to be. It’s easy to be swept up and set goals based on what seems right or admirable (e.g., my neighbor is gardening to avoid GMOs, so I should start gardening too if I want to be healthy). But setting relevant goals will create a more meaningful, and hopefully long-lasting, impact on your life.

    • Timely – Goals should have a set timeframe, as this will help you stay motivated and be more intentional with the steps you take towards your goal. It can be helpful to break down bigger goals into smaller chunks that you can put deadlines on. If you want to read 6 new books this year, make smaller goals of reading 1 book every 2 months.

  2. Write down your goals and place them somewhere you will be reminded of them.

    Writing things down can help you turn your vague ideas into concrete plans. It makes our goals feel more real. Writing also helps us solidify things in our memory. But, just writing your 2023 goals down isn’t enough. Let’s say you get a new notebook and decide to write your resolutions in it, only for the notebook to get lost in a pile of work clutter and never seen again. Sound familiar? Try to make sure that you write your goals in a place that you will be able to see them and refer to them more often.  

  3. Set additional reminders for yourself.

    Putting notes in well thought-out locations, setting phone reminders, or using calendar events are all great ways to remind yourself of what you are setting out to do. If you are trying to cut meditate more frequently, setting daily phone reminders will certainly help you stay on track. If you want to eat more fruits and vegetables, then placing a sticky note on your fridge will help you remember your goal when it is time to grocery shop.

  4. Find an accountability partner.

    Let’s face it, starting new habits and making changes is hard. Doing it alone can be even harder. For your new year’s goals, try to find an accountability partner who can help keep you on track and provide encouragement. Knowing that someone is going to ask you about your progress can be very motivating and words of encouragement helps you feel good about your progress too.

  5. Celebrate your successes, no matter how big or small.

    What’s the point of having goals if you don’t celebrate your success? Make sure to give yourself props when you accomplish what you set out to achieve. Even small parts of your goals or any steps taken towards your goals should be celebrated. Aside from just recognizing your own efforts and successes, you can also plan small rewards to have something to look forward to along the way and at the end of your timeline.    

New year, new you?

Following these 5 steps will help you set smarter goals for the new year and actually see them through. Remember that making changes in your life is hard, so try to keep a compassionate attitude towards yourself. While it is admirable and exciting to reach new goals, it’s okay if your plans for the year have to change. Sometimes life throws us unexpected curveballs that may make it difficult for you to follow-through on some goals. If that’s the case, be honest with yourself and either set aside your goals for a later time or rework them to fit your current circumstances. If you’re looking for more support with achieving your new year’s goals, I have openings available for new clients in 2023 and would be happy to help you on your journey through change. Reach out to me today to find out how we can work together.



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Happy New Year!